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Our agents are licensed and AHIP certified. We help our clients find the best plan- at no cost to you!
Individuals over the age 65 or those who have been on disability for more than two years qualify for Medicare. There are 2 main parts to Original Medicare, Part A (hospital) and Part B (doctors). There are also products that you can purchase to supplement Original Medicare, Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage and Part D prescription coverage. Our licensed and AHIP certified brokers can help you determine which coverage you need.
Medicare Supplement.
Medicare Supplements help pay for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by original Medicare. There are dozens of companies that sell Medicare Supplements and our brokers are appointed with all of them! We can weed through the bad ones and find the good ones. Click below or call us today for help.
Medicare advantage.
A Medicare Advantage plan, also called Part C, is a health plan sold by a private company. When you sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan you use the private insurance companies’ benefits instead of original Medicare. Most Medicare Advantage plans include Doctors, Hospitals, and Prescription coverage. Our agents are certified to sell all the major Medicare Advantage plans available in our area.
Part D.
Part D is optional prescription coverage. The Part D prescription plan is administered by private insurance companies but regulated by the federal government. There are many options when selecting a prescription plan. Our agents are licensed and certified to sell all the Part D prescription plans in the market. Please contact or call us today for help finding the best plan for you.

Going on your own when it comes to Medicare can be a scary thing. The agents at Benefits Analysis Corporation are experts at helping people like you.
Get in touch.
(937) 335-5751
1930 Prime Ct. Suite 103
Troy, OH 45373