Benefits Analysis Corporation FAQs
What's the average cost of health insurance?
For a family, health insurance cost is usually around $1,152 per month. It is $456 per month for an individual.
How much do I have to make to qualify for Obamacare?
Obamacare is health insurance based on income & family size. For example, one person making less than $51,040/year, and a family of four making less than $104,800/year would qualify.
Where can I buy an individual health insurance plan?
Benefits Analysis Corporation sells many varieties of individual health insurance, including Affordable Care Act plans.
Am I required to have health insurance?
The law states you are required to have health insurance. However, there are no penalties for not having it. According to Policy Advice, 9.4% of Americans were uninsured in 2018, thus leading to staggering health care costs in case of a medical emergency.
Are there alternatives to Obamacare?
Yes. There are several alternatives to Obamacare health insurance that our agents can help people with. This includes off-exchange plans, ministry-sharing plans, and short-term major medical plans.